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Photo Gallery of WhiteMoose

Pesticide Information - Top Reasons why we should discontinue the commercial use of herbicides in Northern Ontario

InterPares Articles
Ottawa Pesticides White Moose
Forestry & Kyoto Clean Energy?

The MNR announced March 22, 2006 that the White Moose of Foleyet were off the hunting roster

Medical Professionals & their opinion on the safety of herbicides - Ottawa

Jenna's Herbicide Report Glyphosate - Round Up

Pesticide Video's

January NewsLetter - Behind the White Moose Regs

215 Forestry Pics

Local Reporting Station - Moose Land

Moose Tours in the Wild - It's possible.

Response to the OFAH
Joel Theriault

OFAH : Attempts to Stop Protection

MNR Web - Tourism / Social

MNR Web - White Moose

Public Consultation Period !!!

MNR Saves White Moose? News Article

Activists Fight MNR

White Moose
Toronto Star

Forestry - Ramsay & DeJong

Street Wise
June 25

Herbicides & Public Forests

Joel Theriault
Response to Bob

Bob Johnston
Request Denied

2nd Foleyet Forum

Tom Sterling
No capture please ...

1st Foleyet Forum

Chantal Rhondeau
John Curly

David Ramsay
Minister of the MNR
Toronto, Ontario

Lets just wait...

Bob Johnston, MNR District Manager Chapleau, Ontario

Brad Eagleson
Area Supervisor
E. Chapleau, Ontario


Hunting & Fishing Heritage Act, 2002
Bill 135, 2001

Heritage Act - Jerry Ouellette's thoughts.

WHITE MOOSE easily accessible for live capture...

Labrador govt outlaws hunting White Moose 2002

TIMMINS LCC asks to protect the White Moose December 2003





A story of the White Moose

WhiteMoose.Ca was launched in 2004 with one main focus - to prevent the white moose in the Foleyet area from being exterminated by tropy hunters. In 2006, thee Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act was amended, protecting the strain of white moose in Wildlife Management Units 30 and 31 (the area around Foleyet). Since such time, the focus has also engaged debate with the goal to bring about responsible fishing, hunting, forestry, and natural resource use by presenting information and debating the issues. This section of the site is specifically designed to prevent the loss of the Armstrong - White Moose strain, in the Foleyet area. Legislation was passed in March 2006 prohibiting the hunting of white moose in WMU 30 & 31, ending the debate.

Threats to the loss of the Armstrong - White Moose strain include the following, roughly in order of most threatening to least : train collisions, motor vehicle collisions, natural predators, non-local hunters. As hunting by non-locals does pose a threat to the survival of this unique strain, we are requesting that moose, which are more than 50% white, be removed from the hunting roster in the vicinity of this strain.

This regulation is not intended to be permanent, but merely until the strain can firmly establish itself. We feel that immense social and potential economic benefits (not to mention the positive increase in genetic diversity) would naturally flow from a healthy herd of Armstrong Strain - White Moose in the Foleyet area. I find it difficult to understand why the MNR would resist local efforts to protect such animals given
1 - The potentially huge amount of employment opportunities that these animals could create if managed properly AND
2 - Forecasts for a drought in local forestry employment due to continuous MNR approval of a regional over harvest of mature timber AND
3 - MNR mandates to create eco-tourism opportunities given the grim forestry forecast.

Many locals have expressed an interest to create Eco-Tourism employment opportunities, guiding non-locals in search of the white moose. However, without some regulation protecting these animals from hunting, these locals would essentially be leading hunters to the immediate vicinity of the white moose. Non-local hunters could (under the current system) then legally harvest the animals, which would essentially destroy the resource creating the employment opportunities. The failure of the Ministry of Natural Resources to take action continues to destroy employment opportunities in Northern Ontario, contradicting eco-tourism mandates.

It should be noted that these animals are not albino, and as such, do not suffer from the same negative health effects. I encourage all of you to read through the letters sent by private citizens to the government, media response to this subject, and the MNR's response to the issue.

It is only through the spread of information & open debate that the truth will be discovered. I would especially encourage you to read through correspondence with Jane Armstrong as she has fought for over 40 years to protect this strain of White Moose, the Armstrong - White Moose Strain ...


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