Green Peace
From: <>
To: <>
Subject: attn: joel
Date: Sunday, September 26, 2004 1:36 PM
Dear Joel,
I tried to send you the following message at your hotmail address, but it
bounced back to me, hopefully you'll get it this time:
I am in receipt of your e-mail that contains your previous e-mail that you
sent to our International head office, which is in Europe. They have
forwarded that message to me here in the Toronto office as we prefer to
answer e-mails in the country they originate from.
While the public often has the perception of Greenpeace as an
organization that is either an animal rights or anti-hunting organization,
at least in terms of land mammals, we have never actually been either. We
are actually a broadly based environmental advocacy organization
working on the issues of major environmental concern to the world
today. When we do deal with potential species extinction, it is through
the loss of major centers of bio-diversity, such as the destruction of
ancient forests through clear-cut logging or clearing for agricultural land.
And even then, as this is going on in numerous places around the world,
we do not always have the resources to focus on every location all at the
same time.
You may want to take a look at the web site of the Ontario Environment
Network and look for other organizations similar to your own to help you
with this, though I am sure you have already started doing this. Their
web site is and they have a searchable database base by
subject area on their site.
You might also want to contact the World Wildlife Fund and the People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, if you haven’t done so.
There is an organization in Ontario that has taken on hunting issues in
the past, it is called the Peaceful Parks Coalition and their website is:
My apologies that I have not been able to offer you any substantial help,
I hope the above is of some use to you.
Kevin Gamble
Member Services
Greenpeace Canada
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